Croydon’s Local Community Partnerships highlight the hard work and dedication of the voluntary sector working together to support and improve the lives of local people. To highlight their efforts, Croydon Voluntary Action (CVA) recently held a Community Spotlight event at Centrale Shopping Centre which showcased the vast support and opportunities available in Croydon.
From mental health support to guidance for those with learning disabilities, the event presented an opportunity for over 40 local organisations to meet with the public and present their services.
Local residents from all ages enjoyed taster sessions in exercise, art, singing and dancing at CVA’s activities hub, providing them with an insight into free and low cost activities which take place regularly at the hub. Volunteers from Croydon BME Forum and Asian Resource Centre Croydon were also on hand to deliver health checks and referrals for additional health care support.
One of the stalls included Willow Learning for Life, a community interest organisation which provides support and activities for support adults with learning disabilities. Their stall displayed a variety of tastefully scented vegan soaps, crafts and jewellery handmade by their members.
The event was a resounding success, showcasing the remarkable efforts and initiatives that highlight the power of unity and collaboration of the Croydon community. Together, we celebrated the incredible work of Croydon communities and their unwavering support for Croydon residents.”
Karen Chillman, Head of Volunteering, CVA.
Building on the excitement of the event, Croydon Mencap enticed local residents with their singing. And performances from a Bollywood dancer and Ukrainian folk singers captured the attention of local residents.
All of the local organisations who took part in the event are featured on Simply Connect Croydon, a local directory to find community services, activities and support for whatever issue someone may be struggling with.
Today has been incredible. There’s been an amazing team spirit where everyone is pulling together. And I’ve learnt so much from an Age UK Croydon perspective through speaking to new people.”
Henrietta East, Age UK Croydon.